Adaptogenic substances research project

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has supported our project:

Development of new generation of adaptogenic substances and nanotransport in feed industry

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is an organizational unit of the state that was founded in 2009 by the Act No. 130/2002 Coll. on the support of research, experimental development and innovation. The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic simplifies the state support of applied research and experimental development which has been fragmented and implemented by many bodies before the reform.

Our research partner Addicoo group obtained a new grant from TACR Trend! Development of new generation of adaptogenic substances and nanotransport in feed industry. TACR Trend FW01010053 (co-investigator Pavel Horky)

TACR TREND adaptogenes project
Upcoming project: Technology agency of Czech Republic supported the development of new generation of adaptogenic substances

The aim of the upcoming project is to develop a unique combination of plant-based adaptogens. The revolutionary approach, based on adaptogen research, is to use polymer nanotransports to deliver the substance to the site of action (the small intestine). Farm animals are currently exposed to numerous stressful situations that are rapidly reducing their performance. The adaptogens will help to mitigate the crisis situation without affecting the breeder’s performance. The project will give rise to a completely new product that is not yet available in this form in both domestic and foreign markets. Agriculture is a highly progressive industry, and it is therefore essential to maintain the pace of development, especially when competing with foreign companies. The use of nanotechnologies is an excellent tool to ensure the competitiveness of Czech feed additive producers.

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