Upcoming project: Development of an anti-methanogenic feed supplement to mitigate the environmental impact of livestock farming

Development of an anti-methanogenic feed supplement to mitigate the environmental impact of livestock farming

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is an organizational unit of the state that was founded in 2009 by the Act No. 130/2002 Coll. on the support of research, experimental development and innovation. The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic simplifies the state support of applied research and experimental development which has been fragmented and implemented by many bodies before the reform.

Mendel University in Brno, University of Veterinary Sciences, and Agrovýzkum Rapotin Ltd. obtained a new grant from TACR (FW06020190). The main investigator of the project is Pavel Horky.

The proposed project’s primary goal is to develop a new feed supplement based on algae, plant tannins, and probiotics with an anti-methanogenic effect and a high potential for implementation in the Czech and foreign markets. The newly developed feed additive will be intended to enrich the feed ration of ruminants to improve rumen fermentation and animal productivity and reduce the formation of enteric methane and its negative impact on the environment.One of the other expected results is the beneficial effect of supplementing immunoprotective substances from micro- and macroalgae (e.g.,beta-glycans),which strengthens the immunomodulating effect of probiotics. The project will contribute to achieving balanced neutrality regarding the emission of environmental pollutants (mainly CH4 and NH3)

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